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The AmigaONEVery soon the world will meet the next Amiga (the AmigaONE) and it will amaze users with its simplicity and power. The world will finally have an operating system (or Digital Environment) that gives the worldwide digital revolution the means to address all users.Software developers will be able to write once and run their software on dozens of different operating systems. The Amiga DE can be scaled to fit the needs of any application, from cell phone messaging systems to full-scale university databases. Users and developers need only become familiar with one operating system that works on everything from their car information center to their workplace desktop to their home entertainment system. No more cumbersome software porting, no more conflicting standards, no more compatibility problems. It will work on your home computer, your work computer, your school computer and your handheld computer, regardless of the OS the device currently uses. The Amiga will bring the power of the silicon chip into the hands of the masses because it will be easy and painless to use. It will be something even technophobes can understand. It is about simplicity and giving power to the users who are tired of having to think like a computer to use one. Amiga will make the computer think and act like we do-effortlessly-and make computing and using computers an easy, coherent and enjoyable experience. We hope you'll come along for the ride. Bill McEwen and the Rest of the Amiga Team Learn More About Amiga
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